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The World needs more Women Engineers!

Four thought steps logically lead to one result:


1: Diversity with the most diverse characteristics increases the number of talents with different competences in teams & companies. The benefit of diversity is shown in the higher recognition & appreciation of different qualifications, characters and other characteristics. In this respect, diversity is often the basis for higher synergies and thus usually leads to better results in terms of innovation, quality & performance.


2: Diversity Management serves to systematically promote diversity with the aim of harnessing it in the company for a more innovative & resilient corporate culture, equal opportunities, teams, ... to avoid conflicts, ... to leverage synergies as well as for overall target achievement and better results.


3: The proportion of women in engineering according to currently available figures in 27 countries of the EU is only rd. 27% out of 100% of students in these fields of study. In Germany, the share of women in the successfully completed final examinations in the subject group of engineering is comparable at rd. 25%.


4: Many years of professional experience as expert & executive as well as in personnel consulting show that many companies & teams would like to have more female engineers and would be happy to have them.


Result: We need & wish for more women engineers!


But how can we get more young women interested in engineering?


Promoting gender- and stereotype-free career & study choices for boys & girls according to strengths, interests and life plans for more fun & joy in life.

Promoting equal opportunities, diversity, inclusion, etc. through more information, exchange & understanding in business, science, politics & society.

Higher visibility of female inventors & engineers as inspiring female role models.

Women engineers periodically in day-care centres & schools, getting girls & young women excited about engineering: e.g. with "cool" techniques, research, ... and associated visions of the future.

More promotion of active participation in engineering & technology women's networks.

Visible successes in diversity & gender management.

More public visibility of best practices, transferable solutions, etc. as positive examples for others and for more successful change processes.

More scientific social research on diversity-specific topics.



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Your personal Contact

Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner


If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.


For further future-oriented information, thoughts & ideas please feel free to activate the “bell” at the top right of my LinkedIn-Profile.


On LinkedIn, I share about 2 to 3 posts a week on current topics.




Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner
* Mandatory Field

For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of gender-specific language forms is dispensed with.


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answers & solutions!
