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Neuro-Recruiting: touch your candidates emotionally!

Do people make their decisions more rationally or emotionally?


Neuromarketing deals with the conscious & unconscious perception and (purchase) decision-making processes in the brains of consumers, using in particular the findings of brain research, neurology & psychology.


These perception & decision-making processes are very similar to those of a candidate between several employers (employer brands).


In many situations, our brain makes a decision within a fraction of a second, rather emotionally, based on a first impression resp. first gut feeling, which is then rationally justified resp. confirmed in further steps.


If people make their decisions emotionally in around 90% of cases, then the first contacts with a candidate also influence the search & selection process to a great extent.


A key to success in recruiting is therefore to arouse positive emotions in candidates from the very first contact.


The psychologist Dr. Hans-Georg Häusel identified 3 emotion systems in our brain that have a significant influence on our decisions and are present in individual forms in every person. The 3 emotion systems facilitate the differentiation and positive emotional address of different candidates resp. emotion types:


1: The balance system …

stands for stability & security as well as the striving for calm & harmony.


2: The stimulus system …

is characterised by fun, variety, curiosity as well as the pursuit of new challenges & development.


3: The dominance system …

stands for assertion, elite, power and the pursuit of responsibility & decision-making authority.


Cognitive perception & decision-making processes take place in the brain.


For neuro-recruiting, 3 essential brain areas with their respective functions can be distinguished:


1: The cerebrum …

is the highest instance of the central nervous system and controls the higher intellectual functions such as logical thinking, rational decisions, learning, ... and memories.


2: The diencephalon ...

is the gateway to consciousness resp. the cerebrum. It includes the limbic system for sensory perception & filtering, ... and insofar the gut feeling.


3: The brainstem with midbrain …

is responsible for transmitting signals to the diencephalon, … for instincts & reflexes.


From this it can be deduced that attention in the midbrain/brainstem and the first decision in the diencephalon are particularly important for the unconscious first impression.


As a result, neuro-recruiting involves sending targeted stimuli to the midbrain & diencephalon for motivation and stronger positive emotionalisation of the types of candidates/emotions sought.


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Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner


If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.


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Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner
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